Prof. Dr. Christoph Dörrenbächer
Department of Business and Economics
Professor of Organizational Design and Behavior in International Business

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B,
B 507
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
From April 2010, Professor for Organizational Design and Behavior in International Business at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
2011-2021, Co-editor in chief: ‘critical perspectives on international business (cpoib)’, From 2022 Senior editor
2006-2010: Assistant Professor of International Business and Management University of Groningen/The Netherlands; 2007: Visiting Research Fellow: Manchester Metropolitan University, Centre for International Business and Innovation/UK
2001-2006 : Senior Research Fellow Social Science Research Centre Berlin/Germany, Research Unit: Internationalization and Organization; 2002: Visiting Research Fellow: Central European University, Department of Political Science, Budapest/Hungary
1997-2001: Senior Research Fellow Free University Berlin/Germany, Faculty of Business and Economics as well as Faculty of Social Sciences ; 1998: PhD from the Faculty of Social Sciences
1989-1995: Research Fellow: FAST - Research Group for International Economics, Industrial and Technology Policy, Berlin/Germany
1988: Visiting Research Fellow: United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, Information Analysis Division, New York/USA
1983-88 Study of Political Science and Law, Saarland University, Saarbrücken/Germany and Free University Berlin/Germany, 1988: Diploma (MA equiv.) in Political Science, Free University Berlin/Germany
1977-1980 Trained Retail Salesman, In-firm Training at “Gebrüder Sinn AG”, Saarbrücken/Germany
Multinational corporations, International strategy and organization, Critical management studies, Cross-cultural management, Headquarters-subsidiary relationships, Subsidiary management, Micro-politics in multinational corporations, Multinational Corporations and public policy affairs
International business, International management
Corporate strategy
International human resource management
Organization theory, Organizational behavior
Academic writing
Research methods
Foreign Direct Investment in the Berlin-Brandenburg Area. Project funded by Institut für angewandte Forschung Berlin e.V (IFAF), together with Prof. Florian Becker-Ritterspach, HTW Berlin und Prof. Matthias Tomenendal, HWR Berlin (2022-2024)
Critical International Business (Textbook project together with Prof. Florian Becker-Ritterspach, HTW Berlin) (2019-2024)
Mergers & Acquisitions: Case studies on labour and co-determination implications in German firms (Project funded by Institut für Mitbestimmung und Unternehmensführung at the Hans-Böckler-Foundation; together with Prof. Mike Geppert, FSU Jena und Dr. Michel Wortmann, HWR Berlin (2020-2021)
Gazelles in industrial clusters: Developing a taxonomy for innovation and growth in young high-growth firms (Project funded by Institut für angewandte Forschung Berlin e.V (IFAF), together with Prof. Florian Becker-Ritterspach, HTW Berlin und Prof. Matthias Tomenendal, HWR Berlin (2019-2021)
Co-determination in foreign owned firms in Germany (Project funded by Hans-Böckler-Stiftung together with Prof. Heinz Tüselmann, Manchester Metropolitan University) (2014-2020)
Cross border standardization strategies and trends in European MNCs (Project funded by the European Trade Union Institute, toegether with Prof. Mike Geppert, FSU Jena, Daniel Pastuh, FSU Jena, Prof. Matthias Tomenendal, HWR Berlin) (2013-2019)
Transatlantic Merger of Equals and their implications for labor relations in Germany: „3 Short case studies, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (2017-2018)
Consulting of organizations, management and corporate stakeholders in the field of international strategy and organisation, intra-firm competition, production relocation, formation of European works councils.
Publications in double-blind peer reviewed journals (selection)
- Dörrenbächer, C./ Geppert, M./Hoffmann, M. (2021) Contemporary Restructuring Trends in European Multinational Corporations: Rationale and Impact on Labour and Workers` Participation, critical perspectives on international business, Vol 17/4, 637-654
- McDonald, F / Gammelgaard, J. / Tüselmann, H. / Stephan, A. / Dörrenbächer, C. (2020) How TNC subsidiaries shine in world cities: policy implications of autonomy and network connections, Transnational Corporations, 27/1, 87-114
- Dörrenbächer, C. / Gammelgaard, J. (2019) Critical and mainstream international business research: Making critical IB an integral part of a societally engaged international business discipline, critical perspectives on international business, 15/2-3, 239-261
- Dörrenbächer, C./ Gammelgaard, J. (2016) Subsidiary Initiative-taking in Multinational Corporations: The Relationship between Power and Issue-selling, Organization Studies, 37/9, 1249-1270
- Geppert, M. / Dörrenbächer, C. (2014) Politics and power within multinational corporations: Mainstream studies, emerging critical approaches and suggestions for future research, International Journal of Management Reviews 16/2, 226–244
- Geppert, M. / Dörrenbächer, C. / Gammelgaard, J. / Taplin, I. (2013) Managerial risk-taking in international acquisitions in the brewery industry: Institutional and ownership influences compared, British Journal of Management, 24/3, 316-332
- Gammelgaard, J, /McDonald, F/. Stephan, A. / Tüselmann, H.J/ Dörrenbächer, C. (2012) "The impact of increases in subsidiary autonomy and network relationships on performance" International Business Review, 21/6, 1158-1172
- Becker-Ritterspach, F./ Dörrenbächer C. (2011) An Organizational Politics Perspective on Intra-firm Competition in Multinational Corporations, Management International Review, 51/4, 533-559.
- Dörrenbächer C./Gammelgaard, J. (2010) Multinational Corporations, Inter-organizational Networks and Subsidiary Charter Removals, Journal of World Business, 45/2, 206-216
- Gammelgaard, J./Mc Donald, F./Tüselmann, H./ Dörrenbächer, C./Stephan, A. (2009) Subsidiary Role and Skilled Labour Effects in Small Developed Countries, Management International Review, 49/1, 27-42
- Dörrenbächer, C./Gammelgaard, J. (2006) Subsidiary Role Development: The Effect of Micro-political Headquarters–subsidiary Negotiations on the Product, Market and Value-added Scope of Foreign-owned Subsidiaries, Journal of International Management, 12/3, 266-283
Monographs, Edited volumes and Special issues (selection)
- Becker-Ritterspach, F., Dörrenbächer, C. and Tomenendal, M. (2022) (eds) The Promises and Properties of Rapidly Growing Companies: Gazelles, Emerald, Bingley
- Sinkovics, R. / Dörrenbächer, C. / Becker-Ritterspach , F./ Boussebaa, M. / Curran, L./ DeJonge, A./ Kahn; Z. (2021) (eds.) Accelerating research on the contemporary global crisis, special issue: critical perspectives on international business, Emerald 17/2
- Dörrenbächer, C. / Michailova, S. (2019) (eds.) Societally engaged, critical international business research: a programmatic view on the role and contribution of cpoib, double special issue: critical perspectives on international business, Emerald, 15/2-3
- Dörrenbächer, C. / Geppert Mike (2017) (eds.) Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory: Post-millennium perspectives, Series. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Vol. 49, Emerald, Bingley
- Dörrenbächer, C /Tomenendal, M./Stahnske, S.(2016) (eds.) Organizational identity and firm growth: Properties of growth, contextual identities and micro-level processes, Palgrave MacMillan
- Becker-Ritterspach, F / Blazejewski, S. / Dörrenbächer, C. and Geppert, M. (2016) (eds.) Micropolitics in the Multinational Corporations: Foundations, Applications and New Directions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Gammelgaard,. J. / Dörrenbächer, C. (2013) (eds.) The Global Brewery Industry: Markets, Strategies and Rivalries, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northampton (New Horizons in International Business Series)
- Dörrenbächer, C. / Geppert, M. (2011) (eds.) Politics and Power in the Multinational Corporation. The role of Institutions, Interests and Identities, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
I am involved in several international research co-operations with leading universities and research centres in Europe and beyond, including the Copenhagen Business School/Denmark, the Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Glasgow (Scottland), the University of Auckland (New Zealand), the German University of Cairo (Egypt), the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Berlin as well as the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB).
Practice-related contacts in the realm of labour and co-determination issues extent to several works councils, the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), the Institut für Mitbestimmung und Unternehmensführung (Düsseldorf) as well as to dsp Anwaltskanzlei Dr. Stoye (Leer;, a law firm specialized on labour law.
I regularly present my work at international conferences such as the annual meetings of EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), EIBA (European International Business Academy) and AIB (Academy of International Business).