Prof. em. Helmut Maier
Department of Business and Economics

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
1960th: Multidisciplinary studies at Universities in Tübingen and Berlin, Working student
1969: Start of scientific career at Berlin Centre for Future’s Research, a private organization for political consulting
1972: German PH.D., Economics and Social Sciences (Dr.rer.pol.), Free University Berlin, promoted by Ossip Flechtheim (Political Science), Reinhard Selten (Political Economics), and Herbert Stachowiak (Model theory)
Since 1972: Scientific stays in France, Poland, Russia, U.S.A., Mexico, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Kenya, and China
1974- 2008: Professor of Statistics and Econometrics, and later of Economic Analysis and Statistics at Berlin School of Economics (and Law)
1976: Post doctor (Habilitation, ISR Band 1, ISR Band 2), Systems and Planning Theory, Technical University Berlin, promoted by Rainer Mackensen (Sociology) and Eckart Zwicker (Business-Management)
1981- 1986: Vice Rector of Berlin School of Economics, Permanent representative of the Rector, and responsible for final state examinations and foreign affairs
Since October 2008: Head of Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis Berlin, Tel. +49 (0) 30 211 1765, Address: Grainauer Str. 19, D-10777 Berlin
Editor of Journals Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Ökonometrie (Workshop Booklets from Statistics and Econometrics), ISSN 1439-3956, since 2001, and Sozialpolitische Werkstatthefte (Sociopolitical Workshop Booklets), ISSN 2511-0284, since 2016.
Delivering the course “The Economic System of the Natural (Real) World”, 32 lecture hours, at International Summer School of Renmin University of China in Beijing, July 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
Evidence that economic goals and goals of environmental protection can be made compatible including political hints how to achieve this in a future status of economy, Ekonometria 4/2000, p.18-35, shortened version in Economist 1.2003, p.74-77, selected for reprint in Chinese Readers Digest Xinhua Wenzai 5.2003, p.167-169.
Detection of the algebraic solution of the problem of linear regression, Student 2.3/1998, p.259-270, Ekonometria 5/2000, p.9-22, the formula of which is included into the German pocket book of statistics /Taschenbuch der Statistik, 2000, ISBN 3-446-21154-3, p. 189.
Evidence of economic and financial order within the natural world, mile-stones since 2003 steadily published in Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Ökonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956, link via German National Library/Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Uncovering Nature’s real economy and its impacts on human society by observation and Hegel’s philosophy, Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Ökonometrie, May 2016, 18 p.; Reprint in Financy i Biznes 2016, No. 3, November 2016/Russia p. 4-19.
Donald Trump‘s Triumph or the Nonobservance of the Dual Market with the Election of the President of U.S.A. on November 8, 2016 by the Ruling Elites and its Impacts, November/December 2016, English Version August 2017, Sozialpolitische Werkstatthefte, 12 p.
Why terrorism does not end? An empirical cost-benefit analysis of terror actions in Berlin 2016, Paris 2015, and Boston 2013 (together with Wang Chao and Lucy Zhang), Sociopolitical Workshop Booklets, August 2017, 26 p.
Still More Welfare Through Growth of Economics? Comments on occasion of the press conference of German Federal Statistical Office about economic growth 2017 in Germany at 11th January 2018 in the House of German Economy in Berlin, and a proposal of a System of National Account “SNA 5.0”, Sociopolitical Workshop Booklets, January/May 2018, 20 p.; Reprint in Financy i Biznes 2018, No. 4/Russia, p. 36-53.
Anmerkung zu Josef Joffes Antwort auf „Ein letztes Wort zu Karl Marx…” im Berliner Tagesspiegel vom 30. April 2018, Sozialpolitische Werkstatthefte, Mai 2018, 7 p.
September 11, 2001, An empirical cost-benefit analysis of those terror actions in the U.S.A. (together with Jiang Junshan and Ma Xinyu), Sozialpolitische Werkstatthefte, August 2018, 15 p.
Der Pyrrhussieg von Angela Merkels Regierungskoalition am 27. September 2017 oder die Heimatlosigkeit des National- und Wertkonservativen, Sozialpolitische Werkstatthefte, April 2019, 42 p.