Prof. Dr. Christian Noß

Department of Business and Economics

Professor of Strategic Management and Strategic Controlling, specialising in Business Simulations

+49 30 30877-1357

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B, B 5.05
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

1990: Graduated in Business Administration from the University of Cologne

1990-1995: Research assistant at the University of Distance Learning, Hagen

1991-1994: Corporate consultancy projects for IFAB in Hagen (an institute of employment and management science)

Since 1995: Part-time lecturer at, amongst other institutions, the Bank Academy, the Management Academy for Housing Administration, the German Insurance Academy and the Berlin Seminar for tax law, auditing and trusteeships

1996: Doctorate at the University of Distance Learning, Hagen

1996-2002: Research assistant at the FU Berlin

2004: Post-doctoral lecturing qualification (Dr. habil.) at the FU Berlin

2000-2005: Co-founder and managing partner of “2manage”

Organizational Change

Innovation processes and innovation management

Strategy development

Organization and personnel

Strategic management

Business simulations

Zeit im Management

Dynamische Strategiekonzepte

Organisationsentwicklung, Organisatorisches Lernen

Neue Organisationsformen


(with G. Schreyögg, 2000)

In this contribution we discuss models of organizational change. We start with the identification of the underlying premises of equilibrium models i.e. Organizational Development, Punctuated Equilibrium, etc. The analysis surfaces the underlying assumptions of the primacy of stability and organizational solidity. Change is conceived as an exceptional threatening event, which is to be overcome as soon as possible. Organizations and their members are assumed to essentially strive for the stable state of equilibrium. It is the central thesis of this article that framing change as a rare and clear-cut event basically misrepresents the character and task of change. Change is endemic to the way organizations proceed daily. In this article we advocate a fundamental revision of the equilibrium premises: An alternative framework is suggested building on Organizational Learning linked with Modern Systems Theory. Organizational change is conceptualized as a permanent feature in organizational life and loses its extraordinary, episodic character. The classical logic is turned on its head: Stability and routine become rare and problematic and change becomes the rule.


The significance of the factor “technology” has changed markedly over the past years. Technology no longer appears as a framework factor which imposes more or less strict limits on the organizational structure; it is studied as a substantial motor for development within an organization, a motor which contributes to a wide range of structural innovations. Alongside new technologies themselves, it is above all new thinking about technology that makes such a shift in basic attitudes possible. A major implication of this is the need to redefine how organizations deal with technology and to broaden current ideas about technology management.

Management training (e.g. change management, inter-cultural management)

Consultancy services for small-to medium-sized enterprises (strategic positioning, organizational processes, innovation)


Von der Episode zum fortwährenden Prozess - Wege jenseits der Gleichgewichtslogik im organisatorischen Wandel. In: Managementforschung 10, hrsg. v. G. Schreyögg u. P. Conrad, Wiesbaden 2000, S. 33-62. (mit G. Schreyögg)

Reframing change in organizations: The equilibrium logic and beyond. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the AoM's Toronto 2000 Conference, ed. by S.J. Havlovic, Toronto 2000. (mit G. Schreyögg).

Beyond velocity: Competition, inter-organizational timing, and the relevance of organiza­tional time constitution. Working Paper presented at the "International Conference on Spacing & Timing", November 1-3, 2001, Palermo, Italy.

Innovationsmanagement - Quo vadis? In: Managementforschung 12, hrsg. v. G. Schreyögg u. P. Conrad, Wiesbaden 2002, S. 35-48.

From strategic management to organizational time constitution: Conceptual proposals for the management of organizations in a temporalized world. Working Paper presented at the 1 st INTiMO Conference: "Dynamic Time and Creative Inquiry in Organizational Change", June 18 - 21, 2002, Cape Ann, MA (Boston area), U S A.

Taking time seriously: Organizational change, flexibility, and the present time in a new perspective. In: Adam, B./Sabelis, I./Whipp, R. (Hrsg.), Making Time. Oxford, New York 2002: Oxford University Press, S. 46-60.

Technik und Wandel - Kommunikationstechnologie im Fluss sozialer Konstruktionsprozesse. In: Baacke, E./Schröter, W. (Hrsg.), Lernwege zum Electronic Government. Online Arbeiten - Online Lernen. Mössingen-Talheim 2003, S. 85-101.

Technologie und Organisation. In: Handwörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation, hrsg. v. Schreyögg, G./v. Werder, A., 4. Aufl., Stuttgart 2004: Schäffer-Poeschel, Sp. 1408-1417.

Reconsidering the time dimension in strategic management. Working Paper prepared for the 2 nd INTiMO Conference, July 6-9, 2004 at INSEAD School of Business, Fontainebleau, France.

Entwicklungsorientiertes Technologie-Management. Hamburg 2005.

European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)

Academy of Management (AOM) (USA)

The International Network for Time in Management and Organizations (INTiMO)