Prof. Dr. Arnd Kölling

Department of Cooperative Studies

Professor of Empirical Economics

Prof. Dr. Arnd Kölling

+49 30 30877-2449

+49 30 30877-2019

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60

10315 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 1, 1.1077/78
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin

Since July 2014 Professor of Empirical Economics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR).

Since 2008 Professor of Economics. Previous positions include positions in private finance, at the Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Agency and the Federal Statistical Office.

1998 Doctorate (“Dr. rer. pol.”) at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hanover. Scholarship within the graduate program of the Institute for Employment Research.

1995 Graduation in Economics (“Diplom-Ökonom”). Studies in economics at the Universities of Hanover and Antwerp (Belgium).

Labor Economics

Empirical Economics

Economic Policies



Recent publications at Google Scholar