Feedback: The HWR Berlin asks all students

The ZaQ – The Centre for Academic Quality Assurance and Development – is conducting a survey between November 2023 to February 2024 to measure the quality of the degree courses taught at the HWR Berlin.

The HWR Berlin constantly strives to improve its teaching. We would be very grateful for your help!

Your feedback would give us a valuable insight into the quality of our degree programmes, service provision and the infrastructure at the HWR Berlin.

We need you!

For example, we would like to know:

  • How relevant are the taught contents of your degree programme?
  • Do you feel well prepared for career entry?
  • How good is the campus infrastructure?
  • If you were to turn the clock back, would you still choose the HWR Berlin?

Your opinion counts! We need the replies of as many students as possible in order to gather meaningful results. Please take the time to answer some questions.

Olga Prieb and Felicitas Hoster, ZaQ – The Centre for Academic Quality Assurance and Development

Where and how can you participate?

The online survey is incorporated in the HWR Berlin Moodle and will be displayed automatically upon accessing the portal. It looks like this:

How to take part:

  1. Check your mails: In mid-early November 2023, you will receive an e-mail from the ZaQ to your HWR address  with a direct link to the survey.
  2. Alternatively, you can respond via Moodle: The direct link to the survey is displayed on your Moodle home page. See above.
  3. Answer the questions: This takes about 15 minutes. You can only participate once.

What does the survey focus on?

The survey focuses on topics such as teaching and learning, the learning components of your degree, the organization of your studies, the acquisition of qualification and skills, university services and infrastructure, your workload, internships and training, study abroad and your overall satisfaction with your degree at the HWR Berlin.

What happens with the results?

The data will be subject to internal evaluation. The ZaQ will inform the university administration, the departments and the Berlin Professional School (BPS) of its findings. Working with the data thus gathered, these bodies will seek to identify necessary changes and discuss further developments.

The results of the student survey will form an important data source and its analysis will be incorporated in the existing quality assurance programme for teaching and learning at the HWR Berlin. We hope to strengthen the voice of students in our efforts. It will also be used to answer special inquiries and in the (re-) accreditation process.

We as the student body make university, make HWR. Taking part in the survey now is incredibly important, because our voice counts!

Marla Bartosch from the AStA (HWR Berlin)
Marla Bartosch, AStA der HWR Berlin

The questionnaire is anonymous. The results will not be published and will evaluated in such a way as to prevent any connection between the answers and an individual respondent.

The survey is conducted in accordance with the HWR Berlin Data processing statute from 15 February 2011 and in consultation with the HWR Berlin Data Security Officer der HWR Berlin. The survey will be performed exclusively on HWR Berlin servers.

ZaQ – The Centre for Academic Quality Assurance and Development is responsible for the development, establishment and maintenance of a university-wide Quality Management system. The student survey 2023 was developed in co-operation with the departments and the Berlin Professional School and in close consultation with the central units and the AStA.