Prof. Dr. Trevor Evans

FB 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Professur für Geldtheorie, Geldpolitik und internationale Währungsbeziehungen

+49 30 2930-9188

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Campus Schöneberg
Haus B
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin



Internationales Geld und Finanzen

Studium der Politologie (University of Kent at Canterbury) und Volkswirtschaftslehre (University of London)

Wissenschaftliche Assistent, Birkebeck College, University of London

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, Open University, Milton Keynes

Forschungsberater / Forschungsdirektor, Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales, Managua, Nicaragua

Gastprofessor / Professor, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin

Professor, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin

International economics

Money and Finance


Political Economy of Modern Capitalism

The political economy of international money & capital markets

The US economy and its international impact

European economic policy

Finance and development

Workshop for Alternative Economic Policy in Europe

Vertrauensdozent der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

‘The Impact of the Financial Sector on Inequality: A Comparison of the US, Brazil, Germany and India’ in Alexander Gallas (ed.), Combating Inequality: The Global North and South, Edward Elgar, 2015

‘The crisis of finance-led capitalism in the United States of America’, FESSUD Studies in Financial Systems, no. 32, May 2015, 54 pp (also available as IPE Working Paper no. 51/2015 Download)

‘Finance and Crisis: Marxian, Institutionalist and Circuitist approaches’, FESSUD Working Paper Series, no. 39, 2014 (with Giorgios Argitis, Jo Michell and Jan Toporowski), pp. 104 (also available as IPE Working Paper no. 45 Download)

The impact of financial liberalization on income inequality’, International Journal of Labour Research, vol. 6, no. 1, 2014, pp. 129 – 142 Download

The German Financial System, FESSUD Studies in Financial Systems, No. 3, 2013 (with Nina Dodig, Daniel Detzer, Eckhard Hein and Hansjörg Herr) Download

'A progressive European response to the crisis in the Euro Area', in Europe: Democracy at Stake, Transform. European Journal for Alternative Thinking and Political Dialogue, 10/2012, pp. 143-148 Download

‘The crisis in the Euro area’, International Journal of Labour Research, vol. 3, no. 1, May 2011, pp. 97-113 Download

”'Verlauf und Erklärungsfaktoren der internationalen Finanzkrise”˜, in Christoph Scherrer, Bernd Overwien and Thomas Dürmeier (Hrsg.), Perspektiven auf die Finanzkrise, Budrich Verlag, 2011, pp. 28-49 (In English: ”'Five explanations for the international financial crisis’, IPE Berlin Working Paper No. 8, June 2010)

”'The crisis in the Euro area’, International Journal of Labour Research, vol. 3, no. 1, May 2011, pp. 97-113

‘Five explanations for the international financial crisis’, Revista Tempo do Mundo, vol. 3, no. 1, April 2011, pp. 9-28 (also IPE Berlin Working Paper No. 8, June 2010 Download)

‘Money and finance today’, in John Grahl (ed.), Global Finance and Social Europe, Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 1-28

”'International finance’, in John Grahl (ed.), Global Finance and Social Europe, Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 29-52

”'Die internationalen Finanziellen Turbulenzen’, in Miren Etxezarreta et al, EuroMemo 2007, VSA Verlag, Hamburg, 2008, pp. 143-162 (English version at; shortened Norwegian version in Kirsten Nordhaug and Helene Bank, Fritt fall. Finanskrisen og utveier, Oslo, 2009, pp. 11-22)

‘The 2002-2007 US economic expansion and the limits of finance-led capitalism’, Studies in Political Economy, 83, May 2009, pp. 33-59 Download

”'Le corporation non finanziarie ed il ciclo economico USA dal 1971 al 2001’, in Antonio Pagliarone and Giuseppe (eds.), Ma Il Capitalismo Si Espande Ancora?, Asterios Editore, Trieste, 2008, pp. 34-55

School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London

Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, Nicaragua

Middlesex University

Universitat von Amsterdam

Univerité Paris-Nord