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Empowerment Workshop for Ukrainian students

Ukrainian students were invited to attend a peer-led workshop at HWR Berlin aimed at improving stress management, self-empowerment.

16.12.2024 — Vincent Bruin

Empowerment-Workshop für ukrainische Studierende
Ukrainian student and student worker Yevhenii S. (l.) and Iryna Korolets (r.) address the workshop participants, Photo: Vincent Bruin

As an initiative of a project (NICE*) aimed at enhancing the welcome experienced by special-interest groups at HWR Berlin, the Student Advisory Service´s team delivered a workshop for Ukrainian students to benefit from empowerment techniques. This workshop was on the 8th of November in Haus B at Campus Schöneberg.

In attendance were over a dozen Ukrainian students from not only HWR Berlin, but also from the wider Ukrainian student community in Berlin/Brandenburg. A trained clinical psychologist – Iryna Korolets – from the not-for-profit KommMit e.V. led a presentation about stress management, before a digital element where a RU Bochum student Yuliia P. led a discussion about best practices from their experiences on how to best support Ukrainian students in Germany.

The workshop was on a peer-to-peer level, represented a safe space and its design came from an authentic origin.  At the workshop´s conclusion, the students hung around and exchanged contact details over biscuits and coffee. This demonstrated the safe, trusting and comfortable atmosphere, which came about thanks to the workshop´s organisers and participants alike.

 (*NICE stands for “Nurture International Campus Experiences“. NICE is supported by DAAD´s Stibet 1 funds in 2024.)