Finance and Controlling

The Finance and Controlling Department undertakes the following tasks within the HWR Berlin:

  • Drawing up the budget and investment planning
  • Compiling the annual financial statements
  • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
  • Central Purchasing Department
  • Accounting of lectureship remuneration
  • Judicial dunning process
  • Contract management
  • Inventory and fixed asset accounting
  • Cost accounting, financial controlling, budget monitoring
  • Advice to Departments, IWB/BPS central institute and the AStA in budgetary matters
  • Creation of donation receipts
  • Implementation of AStA budget
  • Training

Head of the Finance and Controlling Department

Stefanie Koeck

T +49 30 30877-1314

Campus Schöneberg, Building A, Room A 1.6.1
Badensche Straße 52, 10825 Berlin

Coordination of budgetary matters and Purchasing Department; annual financial statements, fiscal matters, donations, practical guidance

Accounts receivable, receivables management, judicial dunning process, insurance, AStA, room rental and other rental matters, private telephone charges


Undine Hoffmann

T +49-30-30877-1378

Campus Schöneberg, Building A, Room A 1.62
Badensche Straße 52, 10825 Berlin

Accounts Payable and Purchasing Department

Accounts Payable

Jens Negendank

T +49-30-30877-1432

Campus Schöneberg, Building A, Room A 1.61
Badensche Straße 52, 10825 Berlin

Payout of lectureship remuneration Department of Cooperative Studies Business • Technology / Institut für Weiterbildung Berlin / Berlin Professional School / General Studies, Accounts Payable for media orders

Payout of lectureship remuneration Department 1 / Department 3 / Department 4 / Department 5 / attendance fees; payouts for the AStA budget

External Financial Reporting / Administration Resource Management

Accounting and Controlling / Internal Financial Reporting

Sabine Tessmann

T +49-30-30877-1236

Campus Schöneberg, Building A, Room A 1.55
Badensche Straße 52, 10825 Berlin

External funding matters and travel expenses / reimbursement of travel costs

Custody and Guardianship of the aforementioned subjects is the responsibility of the Human Resources department.

Nicole Böttcher

Claudia Weber

Sabine Wolf

Travel expenses / reimbursement of travel costs

Custody and Guardianship of the aforementioned subjects is the responsibility of the Human Resources department.