Exam Preparation - Hints and tricks all around studying
You want to change or expand your learning methods? You are studying in your first semester and do not even know where to start? Then check out our Instagram livestream.
In Kalender speichernAnmeldung
We report on how we deal with the exam period and what lessons we have learned over the last few semesters. Afterwards, we will give you valuable tips on how to prepare for the exams and answer your questions.
That's what it's all about:
- You want to get tips on learning methods and stress management.
- You want to pose questions at other students and hear their perspectives.
How do I prepare for the livestream?
- Join via smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer.
- Look up @hwr.students on Instagram and click on the profile picture
These are the referees:
Helen Schönfelder, StudHK Studierendenservice
Patrick Tewes, StudHK Studierendenservice
The event is held in English