Prof. Dr. Tim Lohse
- New Paper: Interdependent Preferences for Financing and Providing Public Goods—The Case of National Defense
Governments often choose deficit financing over budget cuts or tax increases to fund public goods such as natinal defense. This decision is driven by the political unpopularity of the latter options. Joint with Salmai Qari and Armin Bolouri, I investigate the potential trade-off between maintaining prudent public finances and securing voter support by analyzing the relationship between preferences for the provision and financing of public goods. We use a survey-based discrete choice experiment with 1,808 respondents representative of the German population. Our findings reveal a strong interdependence between spending and financing preferences: individuals who highly value defense readiness and are aware of its costs tend to support deficit-neutral budgeting, favoring tax increases to finance budget expansions. Conversely, those less supportive of defense expenditure prefer debt issuance and budget consolidation, avoiding immediate cost-bearing. Read the full paper. - Office hours during the summer term 2025: Thursdays, 4:15 pm
- Habilitation in Economics (post-doctoral qualification), Free University Berlin
- Dr. rer. pol. (PhD in Economics), Leibniz University Hannover
- Master of Science in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan
- Diploma in Economics & Business Administration, University Hannover
Current Position & Affiliations
- Professor of Applied Microeconomics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Department of Business and Economics (since 2014)
Chair of the school’s committee for “Research and Young Scientists“ and Research Ombudsman - Deputy Director of the Berlin Centre for Empirical Economics
- Research Affiliate at the the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Department of Public Economics, Munich (since 2012)
- Fellow of the CESifo Research Network, Munich (since 2015)
- Member of the Berlin Behavioral Economics (BBE) Group
Previous Full-Time & Visiting Positions
- LUISS University, Rome / Italy,
Visiting Professor (02 - 04/2019) - University of California San Diego / USA,
Visiting Scholar (09 - 12/2018) - Harvard University, Cambridge (MA) / USA,
Visiting Scholar (09 - 10/2015) - University of California San Diego / USA,
Visiting Scholar (03 - 05/2015) - Center for Economic Studies (CES), Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität Munich,
Guest Researcher (10/2014) - Berlin School of Economics and Law, Dept. 3,
Professor of Public Finance (2011 - 2014) - Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich,
Senior Research Fellow (2011) - Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB),
Visiting Scholar (2009 - 2012) - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Division I A 1, Berlin,
Senior Economist (2010) - Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB),
Senior Research Fellow (2008 - 2009) - Leibniz University Hannover / Germany,
Research Fellow and PhD student (2004 - 2008), PhD in Economics (11/2007, summa cum laude) - Studies of economics at the universities of Muenster, of Hannover (degree: Diploma in Economics and Business Administration) and Bocconi, Milan (degree: Master's in Economics)
Interdependent Preferences for Financing and Providing Public Goods – The Case of National Defense. Kyklos. Forthcoming (with Salmai Qari and Armin Bolouri)
The Value of National Defense: Assessing Public Preferences for Defense Policy Options. European Journal of Political Economy 85, 2024, 102595 (with Salmai Qari, Tobias Börger and Jürgen Meyerhoff)
Who cares when Value (Mis)reporting May Be Found Out? An Acquiring-a-Company Experiment with Value Messages and Information Leaks. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 108, 2024, 102151 (with Daniela Di Cagno, Werner Gueth, Francesca Marazzi, and Lorenzo Spadoni)
Compliance in Teams – Implications of Joint Decisions and Shared Consequences. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 94, 2021, pp. 1 – 13 (with S. A. Simon)
Gender Differences in Face-to-Face Deceptive Behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 187, 2021, pp. 1 – 15 (with S. Qari)
Pecunia non olet - On the self-selection into (dis)honest earning opportunities. Experimental Economics 24, 2021, pp. 1105 – 1130 (with K. A. Konrad and S. A. Simon)
Do Individuals Successfully Cover up Their Lies? Evidence from a Compliance Experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology 71, 2019, pp. 74 – 87 (with N. Dwenger)
Video recordings in experiments – Are there effects on self-selection or the outcome of the experiment? Economics Bulletin 38, 2018, pp. 1381 – 1394 (with S. Qari)
Deception under Time Pressure: Conscious Decision or a Problem of Awareness? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 146, 2018, pp. 31 – 42 (with K. A. Konrad and S. A. Simon)
Compliance with Endogenous Audit Probabilities. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119, 2017, pp. 821 – 850 (with K. A. Konrad and S. Qari)
Dubious versus trustworthy faces - What difference does it make for tax compliance? Applied Economics Letters 23, 2016, pp. 394 – 401 (with S. Qari)
Are Bad Times Good News for the Securities and Exchange Commission? European Journal of Law and Economics 40, 2015, pp. 33 – 47 (with C. Thomann)
Deception Choice and Self-Selection - The Importance of Being Earnest. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107, 2014, pp. 25 – 39. (with K. A. Konrad and S. Qari)
Public Enforcement of Securities and Market Rules: Resource-based evidence from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 106, 2014, pp. 197 – 2012. (with R. Pascalau and C. Thomann)
The Objections against Workfare Revised. Review of Economics 65, 2014, pp. 95 – 118.
Gender Differences in Deception Behavior - The Role of the Counterpart. Applied Economics Letters 21, 2014, pp. 702 – 705. (with S. Qari)
Redistributional Consequences of Early Childhood Intervention. European Journal of Health Economics 4, 2013, pp. 373 – 381. (with P. F. Lutz & C. Thomann)
Public Self-Insurance and the Samaritan’s Dilemma in a Federation. Public Finance Review 41, 2013, pp. 92 – 120. (with J. R. Robeldo)
Self-Insurance and Self-Protection as Public Goods. Journal of Risk and Insurance 79, 2012, pp. 57 – 76. (with J. R. Robeldo & U. Schmidt)
Redistributional Consequences of Decentralizing the Tax-Transfer Scheme. Review of Economics 60, 2009, pp. 168 – 180.
Öffentliche Güter mit Versicherungscharakter. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft Supplement, 2007, pp. 139 – 154. (with J. R. Robeldo & U. Schmidt)
Optimal Taxes and Transfers under Partial Information. Journal of Economics and Statistics 225, 2005, pp. 622 – 629. (with S. Homburg)
- Interdependent Preferences for Financing and Providing Public Goods – The Case of National Defense. Mimeo (R&R Kyklos; with A. Bolouri and S. Qari)
- Threat Perceptions and the Value of Defense Policy Instruments. Mimeo (with T. Börger, J. Meyerhoff and S. Qari)
- Hoch Much Bang for the Buck? An Analysis of the Causal Effect of Ransom Payments on Subsequent Terrorist Attacks in West Africa. Mimeo (with A. Nyga)
- Soft Regulation for Financial Advisors. Mimeo (R&R Review of Law & Economics; with S. Qari and F. Veittinger)
- Reducing Financial Misconduct: The Impact of Punishment and Gender Anonymity. Mimeo (with S. Qari and F. Veittinger)
- Applied Economics
- Economic Journal
- European Journal of Health Economics
- Experimental Economics
- FinanzArchiv
- German Economic Review
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
- Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
- Journal of Economic Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
- Journal of Income Distribution
- Journal of Public Economic Theory
- Journal of Public Economics
- Management Science
- National Science Foundation
- Psychological Reports
- Public Finance Review
- Southern Economic Journal
- Theory and Decision
- Revenues and Tax policy in Europe: Challenges and Chances. 2009, Berlin: Peter Lang (co-editor with K. A. Konrad; in German)
- Workfare and its Assessment from an Optimal Tax Perspective. 2008 Wiesbaden: Gabler (in German)
Invited & Conference Presentations
- International Institute of Public Finance, Prague, 22 August
- German Economic Association, Annual Meeting of the Socio-Economic Panel, University of Mannheim, 25 May
- Magdeburg University, Faculty of Economics and Management, 15 May
- Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting, Lyon, 27 June
- Economic Science Association (ESA) European Meeting, Bologna, 1 September
- Burgundy School of Business, LESSAC seminar, Dijon (digital), 17 June
- Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics (digital), 21 April
- University of St. Gallen, Institute of Insurance Economics (digital), 13 April
- Federal University of Applied Sciences, Department of Financial Administration, Münster, 21 January
- Free University Berlin, Research Seminar in Economics (digital), 12 January
- German Economic Association, Cologne (digital), 28 September
- Workshop "Experimental Studies in Educational and Labor Market Research", Hamburg (digital), 8 June
- University of Leipzig, Leipzig Colloquium on the Foundations of the Market Order, 19 December
- University of Freiburg, Workshop "Enforcing Tax Compliance", 7 December
- Economic Science Association (ESA) European Meeting, Dijon, 6 September
- GISMA Business School, Hannover, 2 May
- LUISS University, Department of Economics and Finance, Rome, 11 April
- LUISS Behavioral Studies Workshop, Rome, 19 March
- University of Siegen, School of Economic Disciplines, 23 January
- Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC, 18 November
- Loyola Marymount University, Department of Economics, Los Angeles, 6 November
- University of California, Rady School of Management, San Diego, 2 October
- German Economic Association, Freiburg, 3 September
- Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 29 August
- Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting, Berlin, 29 June
- International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS), Florence, 3 May
- German Economic Association, Vienna, 5 September
- Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting, San Diego, 22 June
- German Economic Association, Augsburg, 6 September
- Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting, Jerusalem, 8 July
- Université Toulouse I, IAST, Workshop "The Human Face in Economics", Toulouse, 19 May
- University of Amsterdam, CREED, Workshop "Incentives and Behavior Change", Amsterdam, 6 May
- CESifo Area Conference, Munich, 9 April
- WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar/Germany, 1 February
- Berlin School of Economics and Law, 25 January
- Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich 8 July
- CESifo Group Seminar, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 27 October
- German Economic Association, Hamburg, 9 September
- International Institute of Public Finance, Lugano/Switzerland, 21 August
- Association for Public Economic Theory, Seattle/USA, July11
- Department of Economics, Technical University Dresden, 29 April
- Conference of the Center for Economic Behavior and Institution Design, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 8 March
- Leibniz School of Business, Hannover, 13 December
- Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Workshop "Tax Compliance in Field and Laboratory Experiments", Munich, 4 November
- European Association of Law and Economics, Warsaw, 27 September
- German Economic Association, Düsseldorf, 6 September
- Association for Public Economic Theory, Lisbon, 5 July
- Berlin School of Economics and Law, 24 January
- CESifo Group Seminar, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 15 October
- German Economic Association, Göttingen, 10 September
- International Institute of Public Finance, Dresden, 17 August
- Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich, 4 July
- Association for Public Economic Theory, Taipei, 12 June
- Berlin School of Economics and Law, 7 June
- CESifo Workshop on Political Economy, Dresden, 2 December
- Ulm University, 8 July
- Journée Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille, 21 June
- Seminar of the Munich Experimental Laboratory for Economic and Social Sciences (MELESSA), LMU Munich, 15 February
- Berlin School of Economics and Law, 27 May
- University of Potsdam, Potsdam, 19 October
- European Economic Association, Barcelona, 23 August
- University of Magdeburg, Seminar of the Chair of Public Finance, Potsdam, 3 August
- Association for Public Economic Theory, Galway, 19 June
- Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Conference „Frontiers in Public Finance“, Munich, 30 April
- European Public Choice Society, Athens, 3 April
- Deutscher Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft, Berlin, 5 March (Discussant)
- CESifo Area Conference “Reform of the Welfare State”, Munich, 1 November (Discussant)
- German Economic Association, Graz/Austria, 26 September
- European Economic Association, Milan, 31 August
- Association for Public Economic Theory, Seoul, 27 June
- Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, 21 May
- Royal Economic Society, Warwick, 19 March
- Social Science Research Center Berlin, Berlin, 18 December
- German Economic Association, Munich, 11 October
- International Institute of Public Finance, Warwick, 27 August
- Association for Public Economic Theory, Nashville/USA, 6 July
- Deutscher Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft, Stuttgart, 8 March
- Association of Southern European Economic Theorists, Lisbon, 4 November
- German Economic Association, Bayreuth, 27 September
- Association for Public Economic Theory, Hanoi, 2 August
- German Economic Association, Bonn, 29 September
- University of Hannover, Hannover, 20 April
CESifo Area Conference “Employment and Social Protection”, Munich, 12 June (Discussant)
Courses Summer Term 2025
- Business Economics
- Public Economics
- Topics in Applied Economic Policy Analysis (Freie Universität Berlin)
Courses Winter Term 2024/25
- Behavioral Economics
- Strategic Behavior in International Markets
- Public Economics
Courses Summer Term 2024
- Applied Microeconomics
- Business Economics
- Public Economics
- Topics in Applied Economic Policy Analysis (Freie Universität Berlin)
Courses Winter Term 2023/24
- Applied Microeconomics
- Behavioral Economics
Courses Summer Term 2023
- Behavioral Economics
- Business Economics
- Economics of Taxation (Freie Universität Berlin)
Courses Summer Term 2022
- Applied Microeconomics
- Behavioral Economics
- Business Economics
- Current Topics on Public Economic Theory (Freie Universität Berlin)
Courses Winter Term 2021/22
- Public Finance
- Applied Microeconomics
- Behavioral Economics
Summer Term 2021
- Public Finance
- Microeconomics
- Behavioral Economics
- Business Economics
Courses Winter Term 2020/21
- Public Finance
- Microeconomics
- Behavioral Economics
- Research Seminar in Economics
- Current Research Topics in International Public Economics (Free University Berlin)
Courses Summer Term 2020
- Public Finance
- Applied Microeconomics
- Behavioral Economics
- International Economic Policy (Free University Berlin)